when you stuff more than one penis into a pussy at one time as the pussy being the teacup and the filling the penis
Dude Hanna had An overfilled teacup when me and ryan stuffed her pussy at the same time
by dmayonico April 26, 2011
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A lesser known saying that is essentially used when you're emitting an extremely emotional response to something. This could be anger/surprise/humour.
1. Oh wow!!! I just found out my BOYFRIEND is pregnant.. WTF I just shat in a teacup

2. Hidee: Hi mate what are you up to today?
Shawn: Just chillin with my homes
Hidee: Cool
Shawn: Oh did you watch Seinfield the other day, I did find it fairly humerous
Hidee: OMFG YES IT WAS FUNNY. I was watching it and I just did a shit in a teacup!!

3. Peter: oops wrong hole sorry I swear I didnt mean it
Sally: OMFG YOU SICKO. I just did a shit in a teacup
by Wozzgalaxy March 11, 2011
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(n.)an unshaved cat, pussy, vertical horizon, etc. 100% natural goodness, lipsmacking goodness. Oh Yeah.
Man, would I love to take a sip from her hairy teacup.
by Celticvamp June 10, 2005
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when two people are having anal sex and right before ejaculation you pull out so the cum gets all over the asshole then you lick it out.
by dalton vodden October 29, 2007
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A spinning ride at Disney World, complete with high walls and 2 seats per teacup.
also: a great place to have all kinds of fun sex with your significant other.
"Did you see Kat and Allistarae at night of Joy getting it on on the spinning teacups?"
"I'll spin your teacup.."
by kinda kinky May 9, 2005
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Lil teacup” is a SoundCloud producer and soon to be a rapper, he’s known to be pissed off when hearing someone ask “who’s lil teacup?” Also claims he is a registered flex offender
“Aye vro you heard of Lil teacup?”

“Who’s lil teacup?”

Lil teacup ~ *pulls gun out*
by Lilteacup’s biggest fan February 24, 2018
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The act of finding a random midget in a crowd and jumping on their back. Using them as a rodeo bull
Hey bro let's go out and have a shot at the teacup rides
by B.radnam April 13, 2017
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