Someone to whom weed means more than just getting high, for them smoking weed is a lifestyle. Usually the difference between a stoner and someone who smokes weed is a stoner will still go out and do things with their life - Frank Kush
Ignorant Individual: "yo, look at that waste man pot head over there"
Slightly more intelligent individual: "Nah, they're a proper stoner man, i hear they just got a job and shit too, they smoking shitloads now"
by Frank Kush February 1, 2014
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Anyone by the name of John is considered a stoner. He will say he is not one when he most definitely is. He will say he enjoys alcohol more, but he knows deep, deep down that his heart leans towards the amazingness of getting high as fuck.
DUDE: Are you a stoner?
JOHN: Nah man, I love me some Henney tho!
DUDE: What's your name?
JOHN: John

DUDE: Ohhhhh ok then.
by @)@) January 9, 2020
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A very happy person who looks at life in a beautiful way. Also very intelligent and chill
by Yummybunny546 May 8, 2019
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People, who have very little values, character traits, or self-respect. They are generally less able to make a success of themselves, since they spend most of their time and resources either purchasing a substance, sitting on a couch high for a temporary amount of time, or actually bragging about being high. When they get older and mature, they realize how much time and money they've wasted in order to have unhealthy lungs, bad memory, a criminal record, difficulty getting a job, and lack of muscle tone due to physical inactivity. On the other hand, people who become involved in weightlifting, sports, and other productive activities are known to have healthier minds and bodies, leading to self-confidence, self-discipline, women, and six figure salaries. Drug users tend to live in Ghettos or trailers, using their welfare money that comes from ambitious people's tax money to pay for marijuana, alcohol, ramen noodles, attire from Walmart, satellite TV, and the newest rap album which coincidentally has lyrics promoting their pathetic lifestyle. Why do you think drug use and crime is a problem in the urban, low class areas opposed to wealthy, suburban areas?
Jim sits around and smokes pot all day, being a typical Stoner, while Joe is working out, wrestling, playing golf and working hard for good grades. Joe ends up becoming a man, driving a Mercedes-Benz, marrying a woman who isn't a fat piece of trash and having a longer life. Jim ends up living in an apartment complex, and becomes dependent on government food stamps for the rest of his life. Hes basically a woman.
by B from NC May 27, 2008
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In modern day, someone who smokes marijuana and is a burnout loser. In ancient time it were to be one who would build stone structures for the gods. Basically the whole world did drugs and that connected them to a higher energy, which was where "god" and religion came in. The people of the ancient world payed great attention to these energy lines and learned the patterns of it. They created stone structures aligning with these patterns to create sacred physical/astral allignments which they used for religious ceremonies.
(963AD) "yeah, there stoners"
(2011AD) "what a buncha stupid stoners"
by Cymatikps October 16, 2011
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One who smokes mostly everyday, who doesnt care what anybody thinks of their beliefs, one who will go all day looking for money for a nic, and if they dont find the money, they will find a buddy who already has the bud!! One who thinks outside of the box and can go into details... more into details if they were high....
stonerrachel: you gunna toke up that shit or what bro?
stonernick: man im getting to it, but did u see that shit he just did(hes watching tv because hes so baked)
stonerrachel: well man... well... grabs some fritos... dude COME ON
stonernick: (passes slowly)
stonerrachel: HELLL YEA!!!!!!!!!
...... then it gets silent because rachel aint giving his bowl back BITCHES
btw im rachel n nick is my best buddd hes growing tons of weed in his room this very second
by imbakedxrachel March 8, 2008
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Someone who is a loser. They are usually stupid but mostly due to the fact that they have smoked themselves that way. These people usually work a dead end job and dont amount to anything. They are usually moochers and somehow convince other people to do stuff/buy stuff for them. They need interventions because they cant function without pot.
See that stupid dude/chick? He/she's a stoner.
by Bobby mc queen April 13, 2008
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