To “Spence” someone is to take advantage of, or kick a person while they are down or at their weakest point.
My parents were going through a divorce and this was deeply upsetting me. So my good “friend” Craig thought it was a good opportunity to Spence my mother...
by Gary Hamma January 18, 2020
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As a meeting attendee you spend the entire time in the room until the last night. On the last night you come out of your room and party like an absolute like rockstar, shutting the bar down.
Let me teach you how to “Spence” that meeting!
by Parksie June 23, 2022
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Spidie Senses - Spidie Senses is when you pay attention to every little detail that most people do not see , feel, taste, or touch
Damn Justin Bieber slippers don't match his outfit hes got Blue and Pink fuzzy slippers on with a Green, Gray, silk Hefner PJ's. I seen thar with my Spences?
by Crazy Carla August 16, 2021
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A female that dumps her tits out for any male that is walking and breathing. Not only that but a spence is also a person who’s favorite place to vacation to is China
Look at that Spence, what a pigeon!!!
That girl is such a spence!
Fuckin spence smh!
by Lil dicky Nicky January 14, 2021
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"Grab em by the Spence"
by Whatitdobaybee January 27, 2020
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