To have wild passionate sex with someone after a three month dryspell. Snu should be done with caution as there is the potential to become too attached and start calling them "schmoopy".

(Note: Snu requires testing)
1) This girl was giving me snu eyes on the train

2) With all that money I may not require testing before snu.

3) Our star signs match... let's snu.
by manifresch March 8, 2019
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The Swedish version of dip, snus is the best form of tobacco on the planet, you take it in the upper lip and it makes you buzz, if you are an experienced user you only get satisfaction out of snus, the good snus is made by epok, but epok costs too much so other brands like Odens are more popular
"I need some dip man"
"Take snus instead"
(takes a pouch of snus)
"Man this is goooood!"
by Ropsujou March 25, 2018
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You see that cripple over there hes a fucking SNU
by BlackMansAshyToes January 18, 2021
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Snus is a thing that saves students from boredom in school
It's gonna be the 7th lesson. Give me one pack of snus, please!
by gAnjey January 22, 2022
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Teacher: What is SNU

Students: Some Nobody Useful
Me: Seoul National University

Teacher: Seoul National University is right
by Hyebun1 May 1, 2021
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Its like a cigarette but you pit it under your lip
Guy 1. Do you want a snus

Guy 2. Yes all mighty lord
by Sligga nigga February 10, 2021
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A tiny tobacco pouch that you put under your lip.
Theres different flavors and strength levels, they go from level1 (weakest ones) to level 5(strongest).
The first time taking snus (if you take from the strong ones) the effects will be pretty strong and they last for about 10-20 minutes, at first you'll need to wait for about a minute to feel the effects, you get relaxed, a small domapine rush, then your whole body starts to get tingly, your fingers go almost numb and you become a little bit sleepy.
If you're a smoker it's likely that the effects will not be that strong because your body is used to hangling nicotine.
Yo Jake u wanna try snus?
Whats that bro
Tobacco pouches, its like smoking but with stronger effects!
Aight bro bet
by nonished September 25, 2022
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