The man with the healthiest body and the healthiest mind
I started my Ayub Shan work out today
by Lemon Dolph September 30, 2019
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Bastila Shan was a Jedi knight in 4000 BBY. She was the youngest to ever master the art of Battle Meditation. She was a member of the Jedi strike team that captured Sith Lord Revan during his reign over the Sith. She fell to the dark side and became apprentice to the Dark Lord Malak. She betrayed Malak by joining Revan in his quest for revenge. She becameRevan's apprentice, and was handed the Sith throne temporarily while her master went to complete some mysterious task in the outer rim. She could not control the Sith or the Star Forge, and the Sith} Empire fell into civil war. Bastila went missing on Korriban after the fall of the Sith, and, just like her master, has still not returned.
Bastila will appear on the eve of Revan's return.
by LORD REVAN! April 19, 2005
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Humour and personality of an undesirable nature, conversational skills of an intolerable standard, the inability to integrate oneself into the flow of jovial nonchalence, inadvertantly depressing dialogue, sick, nasty or 'over-the-top' prankstery.
Person 1 - "That clown never shuts up about how fast his brother's car is or how much money his Dad earns"

Person 2 - "I know, shan banter"


Person 1 - "I had that cow moaning at me all night about how she's got no career and all her men have been pigs"

Person 2 - "Ooooooh, shan banter"


Person 1 - "Did you hear those sickos put cow dung in a super soaker and squirted a blind guy?"

Person 2 - "Seriously? Shan Banter!"
by RioFender September 21, 2009
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person-who are u even talking about
person-no BUT i have read HARRY POTTER
me- =.=
darren shan
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Relates to the name of a dirty man called shan
Oh I saw that dirty shan down the ally picking food off the floor
by Bob Roberts November 25, 2020
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Arafat: Yo Darren why do you like Shan Yi.
Darren: I don't
by Dr. Keem S Tar March 9, 2018
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