That stupid kid who posts Instagram stories to gain clout, some take it too far and make fake tears and bruises to look hurt.

They are commonly younger teenagers and seek for clout, it definitely works but it’s fucking annoying.
Look it’s an attention seeker.
Attention Seeker: *sobs* nr to all tonight
by Criticalxp September 6, 2019
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People who say that they are no one and nothing. Mostly lie about things that have happened in their lives and ALWAYS call themselves ugly and worthless. Shut the hell up, you haven't seen worse yet.
Attention Seekers
Girl: I'm no one. Nobody likes me. I'm fat.
Me: Shut the fuck up you lying hoe
by Flyingfucksigive0 February 28, 2016
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Someone who seeks the truth, aka wants to kiss your dad.
"Hey Billy, as a truth seeker I really want to know what your dad is up to later?"
by Aumni-Ra July 31, 2022
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A "Whore Seeker" is the name given to a male who will visit certain locations to look for sex. He will generally visit places he knows whores vacate, such as gyms, Bars, and supermarkets. He is never fussy but refuses to pay for sex. He is not concerned with appearance and lives by the motto that there is no such thing as bad sex.
Suzzie: I met a guy at the gym yesterday, he took me to his place, made love to me, then took a pepsi from my fridge and left saying he had better sex with his 65 year old aunt. I was so upset.
Leslie: Don't take it personally, he sounds like a "Whore Seeker" and you made it easy for him and you need to have a little more self respect.
Suzzie: I know, it really upset me because it was my last pepsi.
by Paul Fleming July 17, 2006
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A treasure-hunter, adventurer, freebooter. A person who, as the word implies, seeks fortune. Often, but not always, they seek their fortune through risky or dangerous ventures.
Those fortune seekers are trying to make it big diving for sunken treasure.
by Gengar Khan November 3, 2013
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Literally someone who seeks detentions - they, poor sexually-deprived kiddies, do 'bad' stuff in class as to obtain attention, and in turn get a detention.
They often think this makes them rebellious or hard.
Andrew called the teacher Fluffy again. He's such a detention seeker.
by Marc Rohde August 23, 2006
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