When joos havin' sex wid a bitch on da beach and you totally whip it out roll it in da sand and stick it back in yo.
I gave dat chick a sandpaper surprise last Friday
by derp12345 October 16, 2010
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something that may look like a good idea at first glance, but turns out to be a horrible one
1) "I thought that chick was gonna be fun, but then I hung out with her and I realized I got tricked into jerking off with sanpdper."

2) "Joe is such a douche... I swear he always calls me to play football and everytime it's your basic jerking off with sandpaper!"
by Mel Berg October 6, 2008
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when you fill your bathing suit with sand when you go to the beach. and you can feel the sand rubbing against your genitals.
duuude i got some mad sandpaper balls going man.
by mad mauler June 5, 2011
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A baseball bat wrapped in sandpaper used for anal torture; also "sandpaper baseball bat of doom"
by Pissed Off Paul October 9, 2003
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A sandpaper flamingo is when having sex on a beach, make sure she is super wet, you take your dick out and stick your head in the sand and stick it back in.
I was mad at my girlfriend so I took her down for a romantic night on the beach and surprised her with a sandpaper flamingo!
by Faja4u September 29, 2009
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When you dip your dick in hot wax and pull it out then pour sand on it and wait for it to dry so its rough like sandpaper then you proceed to fuck a girl in her asshole then pull out and with your poopy dick give her a mustache out of her own shit
Yo dude i gave that girl such a rough Columbian Sandpaper Ride last night she will feeling that for weeks
by SweetyN'ready69 January 11, 2009
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