The sudden uncalled for rise of the male pee pee place at any given time or place... when not wanted.
Its best used as a code word when trying to tell someone you don't want to get up because you have a RAndoM BOner
hence RAMBO
1."Dude, can you put my book back on the shelf? I have a RAMBO."
2."I totally got a RAMBO when we ordered that pizza."
3."Dude, I got a RAMBO during my job interview, I was afraid to get up and leave."
by Nice_Guy_123 June 27, 2007
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The act of fucking a girl, raw, while she is on her period, and proceeding to wipe the blood and cum off of your dick, and spreading it on her face as done with war paint in the movie Rambo
Me: I was ramboing a bitch last night, and she slapped me.

Bob: You actually wiped that shit on her?
Me: hell yeah. Lmao
by RichardDixon December 10, 2017
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ramboIs a Street Ministry,RAMBO-911, R-reaching A- all M-ministry B-bondage O-omitted, 911-Psalm 91:1
Rambo 911 is a street ministry who i have found to be very helpful to many people, they Hand Make Crosses that are colorful and can be worn as a neckless or a choker,there is a web site "CARRY A CROSS 4 JESUS" or RAMBO-911 MINISTRY, not positive of their url.
by Pastor Dan June 22, 2007
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I'm a true fucking killer, like Rambo
by Rambo I October 25, 2018
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a state of mind when you go crazy, dumb, or stupid. U going insane, lunatic, crunk, ratchet.
crunk, crazy, dumb, stupid, out of control, insane, uncontrolable,rambo
by AC da beast July 30, 2008
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My coworker's definition:
It mean going wild and messing up and burining down, shooting crazy
I will rebuild smoketest2 in 5 mins and will be ramboing sm2 db
by violetdream July 31, 2008
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to impersonate your favourite action hero, while unknowingly homosexually attacking one's friends
man i hate simon when he starts to rambo..... now my ass hurts
by Hatermansam March 17, 2008
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