Slang for something seemingly magical that eventually backfires.
The plan seemed like a sure fire moneymaker but revealed itself to consist only of leprechaun farts.
by Dr Bunnygirl March 13, 2021
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when a dude hugs a girls much taller than him and her tits are buried in his face.

a guy hugs a girl and her boobs are level with his eyes or face.
dude she is like 6 feet taller than you, i don't care i'm a happy leprechaun.
by little lep April 21, 2010
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Baby Leprechauns are about equivalent to the size of your average 12 year old girl. As they age they progressively shrink down to regular Leprechaun size. But if by the age of 18 they are not made aware of their baby Leprechaunism then their rights as a Leprechaun will be revoked and the will forever be stuck in the state of a Baby Leprechaun. This means they won't grow or shrink they will be stuck in the semi tall leprechaun or short person status. They may also have schizophrenia and be very loud. The best way to calm a Baby Leprechaun is by giving it book's to film adaptations.
Baby Leprechaun: I LOVEEEEE Books to Film
by Phil's so nice January 7, 2010
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Term, based on Irish folklore, that describes a deep powerful sleep one encounters after suffering through a massive hangover. hangover
After spending a full day reeling from drinking whiskey at the office party, Petey curled up in bed and prayed for the Leprechauns Lullaby.
by Sacramento Solon January 6, 2017
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When you hire a leprechaun, shove it up your mate's ass, then proceed to fuck your mate while the leprechaun eats his insides and your mate dies.
"Poor lad, last I heard Edward had preformed a hungry leprechaun on his mate Sam, he had his arse eaten from the inside out"
by Me Laddy Sam July 20, 2015
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(v); mentioned in the black eyed peas song "boom boom pow", is the act of tripping on mushrooms. People who injest this drug are prone to see odd characters, such as leprechauns.
"Man, the other night I was steppin' on leprechauns..shit was insane!"

"I would rather be steppin' on leprechauns tonight than get drunk."
by lilkmo July 9, 2009
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A ginger under 5’ setting his pushes on fire, Dancing around to put them out. Then feeding the ashes to his sexual partner.
I gave Melissa a little leprechaun last night, it was crazy.
by Hugh jackman January 2, 2021
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