Louise, when she's too knackered to get off her big butt to do anything, so she just sits in the dark all day watching tv with the curtains closed.
Louise, you're lazy

I know. Go away, you're letting in the light.
by notlouise February 14, 2004
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Imperceptible interstice taking place between what you are now and what you are meant to be.
Can it be that I am becoming lazy?
by Nico84 July 17, 2009
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someone who doesn't work for anything in their idea of a life
"That nig over there won't do anything! What a lazy fucking bastard."
"Same with that beaner sitting on the corner."
by Mr. Happy June 17, 2006
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What people are called when they refuse to work at a job they hate
wage slave: you’re just being a lazy millenial
millenial: at least i actually enjoy my life
by Dubiks February 5, 2019
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A man who believes there is much grace in patience and inactivity. A man who would rather do a thing the next day, if not never! One who regards indolence and inertia as an elegant art form, to be cultivated with careful practice over time so that a habit becomes second nature. A symptom that you were born – not with a silver spoon but the whole 24-piece, gilt-edged cutlery set. The lazy man looks down upon labor as an unnecessary device of the humble and the needy to secure the comforts and qualities of life that would enable them to achieve a state of laziness. Since he’s already there, the full circle already come, he pulls out a mirror from under his pillow and gazes starry-eyed into it and says to himself, blushing at his precognition, “god! You’re awesome!”
Martha: “I hope you flushed when you were done?”
Dopey the pet poodle: “ Mama, I was too lazy to tear around the Poplar in circles to look for the flush!”
Martha: “not the Poplar under which Davis, my husband, your dear departed owner is buried?”
Dopey:” how did you guess, mama?”
by manjeet sg October 15, 2015
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Ok, well first you have to consider that i'm writing this. Why? educate you poor insignificant fucks out there.
My definition of lazy is the means to find a solution to a problem which requires physical effort. Thus turning it into a challenge that requires thinking. Yes, thats right, Thinking. And then of course i dont have to get off my ass or i do, but just for a shorter period of time.

-Jas -out-

Example must have at least 20 letters and 3 words

wtf else do you wanna know, leave me alone already!!
by Jas January 27, 2005
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1. worthless, as in having no value. 2. not helpful 3. uninteresting, as in Josh, you are not helpful, or interesting, or valuable.

Josh. While his partner Steph was checking out all of their residents today, not even stopping for a glass of water, Josh sat on the couch and played worthless video games.
"Josh, why don't you help Steph?"
"No one signed up with me. And I am working the desk in five minutes."
"Josh, you are LAZY."
by shubbalicious May 18, 2007
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