A way to describe something if it’s clean or looks good
Yeah man, you rockin’ the slim bob jillies tonight.”
“Throw the slim bob jillies on tonight.”
by Rico Rambe August 4, 2021
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the ship name of a great and cute relationship between Millie Bobby Brown and Jacob Sartorius.
friend: look at that cute couple over there. me: oh that’s jillie
by jillieshipper101 July 22, 2018
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The best radio dj in the damn world. Used to be on 103.5 Kiss FM in Chicago, but then she moved god-knows-where and was replaced by a mediocre dj.
Kiss FM has sucked ever since Silly Jilly left
by Rowdy_801 February 21, 2010
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Just the coolest asian you'll ever know. Scream his name and he'll give you the best time of your life!
Damn that Jilly Minoza guy is so damn cool. I wish I was asian!
by May 6, 2021
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A self-inflicted swirly in which one then proceeds to stick his/her head into the crouch of a female.
If you don't lock it up you're going to get a wet jilly
by Unkle karl April 25, 2019
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International Jilly Day is a day to celebrate the ‘Jilly’ in your life in honour of the original Jilly Hunts Birthday. Jilly day is the most important day of the year as it celebrates your weed and nicotine addicted. Jilly will diagnose you with a brain tumour, and understand you have night googles. These are just a few of Jilly’s traits that add to her worthiness of a day of honour. We heart you Jilly.
Person 1: omg yay it’s international jilly day!! how did you meet your jilly?
Person 2: no way! my favourite day of the year!! aha actually, she stole my chips and salsa then proceeded to diagnose me with a brain tumour while high out of her mind.
Person 1: oh man, sounds like a great jilly.
by ric beans and pie January 25, 2022
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