baseball team based in Hiroshima.
their fans are probably the best out of all the teams.
by 5150 August 1, 2004
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Describes when an individual of Caucasian appearance takes a massive dump in a public bathroom generally tended to by Asians.

Typically an act of revenge exerted on the cubical closest to the bathroom's entrance in order to maximise stench emanation/wafting.

Related: To Bomb Pearl Harbour
-Dude, we just went to all-you-can-eat Indian and I had to take a massive dump.

Did you bomb Hiroshima?

-I bombed the FUCK out of Hiroshima.
by A college with Asians September 2, 2010
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When you take a massive explosive shit and you feel like you literally just blew up the toilet
Holy shit bro, that was one Hiroshima Shit. No more taco bell for me today
by YungDoughboy December 9, 2015
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When you get into a situation where mutually-assured destructive behaviour is the only option. Superior to reckless.
“Dam bro… what’s gotten into you?”
I dunno fam I think I got that Hiroshima mentality taking control
by Joebama Biden August 18, 2023
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When you have to take a nuclear shit so you flush the toilet to cover the sound of the explosion.
“I really needed to go, but i was a fraid of the noise. So I used the hiroshima silencer tactic
by Peepeeharder March 14, 2019
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an asian woman with a deceptively attractive body and a hideous face.
Ryan: "Take a look at that asian check"
Nick: "Oh dawg! She totally has hiroshima face"
by nmjohnny July 1, 2014
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The act of eating out a Japense women while she holds the American flag and once she achieves climax she proceeds to explosivly squirt all over your face.
Dude i cant believe you gave that prius driving jap a dirty hiroshima
by The flooner October 8, 2015
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