Gabriel,is a nice guy to be friends with but do not get to close or he will try to take advantage!
Girl:Oh,look isn’t he handsome!
Boy:That’s Gabriel DONT get to close!
by Samantha_Gemini January 20, 2020
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A Gabriel can be defined as a all-round good person. This is a guy who has smarts AND a good sense of humor at the same time. Basically, the perfect boy.
Girl 2: Gabriel is so sweet and I really like him
Boy 1: Your so right.
by Anthony_HadTheBestNames September 13, 2017
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Aka a big fat PUSSY... and is completely okay with it.
Gabriel is the type everyone likes to poke at, very much like a pussy.
by Kodak moment 979 March 1, 2018
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There’s not much to say about this dickbutt. He’s a lanky brown stick and can be a dick head. He makes shitty jokes but can be fun too.
Timmy: Wow Tommy ur such a “GABRIEL
by BradTheRadDabLad December 28, 2018
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Gabriel is a fucking phat nose ( yes with a ph ) who thinks he can cure cancer, is a fucking shit baller and gets no females
Ay your a Gabriel
by Oxford Verified December 15, 2019
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