Hardworking and a go getter. Loves life and lives it to the fullest. Not afraid to get his hands dirty. First to jump in when work needs done or someone needs a helping hand. Strong but silent is a lover as well as a fighter and has been known to break bricks and boards with his bare hands. Loves family and although the black sheep he is the first one they call when trouble arises.Has a long family history of war heros and although not a soldier himself would fight for his Country.Old German origin means strong,industrious spirit
Dustin loves his family and would do anything to protect his loved ones , even at cost of life or limb.
by dirty rebel boy December 21, 2016
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Dustin... The hottest mothafucka alive. Not tall but has a big ass dick. Makes joke and is pretty funny. Likes sports a lot. Usually a curly head.
People would cry if they get rejected by Dustin.
by The1andOnlyMF November 22, 2021
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He is the best person I know and I am so glad I met him. Dustin is cute, smart, kind, caring, loyal, and hilarious. His goofy personality will make you laugh until you cry and his smile is extremely contagious. Dustin will sweep you off your feet with his charming qualities and you won’t regret it. He is always there for you and takes care of you whenever you’re not feeling well. He easily makes your day just by hearing his voice. Anyone would be extremely lucky to have him and should never let him go. Time goes by fast with him and he’s easily missed as soon as he leaves. His hugs are comforting and makes you feel safer than anyone you know.
I love my boyfriend Dustin. He’s the best thing that has ever happened to me.
by MK1128 November 22, 2021
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The name of an absolute unit a Goliath a god an immovable object (except in bed?)
by bussy boi February 24, 2022
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Really skinning not good looking and small dick with big nose.
Girl 1 How was your day.
Girl 2 Not good I saw Dustin today.
Girl 1 Damn I'm sorry
by author of the world September 6, 2018
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Dustin: retarded intelligent person, nicest asshole ever, most loving hater, most attractive goofy looking Mf,

Yin and yang.
by Roguemartini September 1, 2018
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