A duck is a duck not much more to explain.
*pets aggressively*
by IMINMISERYLETMEBE September 5, 2022
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One who is a dick about typographical errors.
Person 1: Dr Christensen deducted two points from my term paper because spell checker changed "Albrecht" to "Albert" in one instance.
Person 2: oh man, he's such a duck.
by Seanfolly7 February 12, 2018
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An autocorrected form of "fuck" that usually makes you seem like you are academically challenged as you struggle to correct the word, but autocorrect keeps fixing it.

"Hey you missed an awesome party bro"



"Do you mean duck?"

"Awe duck man you too?"
by Nipple421blezit July 7, 2014
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4chan world filter for loli
Formally Thomas Jefferson
lol guyz is this duck?
by Zaku Sniper August 22, 2005
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a duck is an ass or someone who is stupid without any sense.
Your boyfriend cheats on you and you still stay with his ass!

"Your a duck, why in the hell you still with his lame ass?"
by christina coney November 15, 2006
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Inspiration for a question game required an increasing number of people. You are asked the opening question and answer with the set response. At the end, turn to someone else (anyone from a complete stranger to someone's who's standing there waiting to join) and ask the opening question. Results in a long chain of people passing repsonses or question from the original person to the most recent participant.
Wanna buy a Duck?
A what?
A Duck.
Does it quack?
Of course it quacks.
Let me hear it quack.
by The French Girl January 5, 2005
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