Anal discharge, , anal drainage, anal seepage, anal leakage
Rectal discharge is continuous expression of liquid from the anus Normal rectal mucus is needed for proper excretion of waste
you pooped Rectal discharge
by The thing you dont know May 30, 2018
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When you are pushing out a fart u discharge fecal out of ur ass
holy shit man that waz a big rectum discharge
by charney December 7, 2003
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Hennay once a month releases a rotten liquid from her crab hole.
Some say it just drops out of her like a pregnagt womans water when it breaks.
Those who have survided have said Hennay's Menstrual Discharge has a beastly odor comparable to a pile of dead bodies left to rot for 2 weeks.Bizarely, the Discharge has an orange color...
Hennay brushes her teeth with her own Menstrual Discharge : )
by Peter Jacobsen April 14, 2008
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Some one who is a jack-off, pussy, lame, and/or just a pimple on thee ass of society.
by Jordon Renn April 14, 2008
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n.1. an outpouring of "emotion";

n.2. a very polite way of saying ejaculation/orgasm
"dude, andrew had an intense emotional discharge when he saw dan at the sushi restaurant last night."
by mingkai July 11, 2008
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When you are so excited for a night out that a little bit of Pre-Cum leaks out onto your pants. For women this is often just an increase in the daily discharge and may require underwear changing before even going out.
Man, I'm so excited for tonight i've got proper disco discharge...
by TrueKR October 24, 2015
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When your significant other feels arroused and she starts to tingle in her mingle, and a light creamy substance is produced from her vaginal glands... this is sexy discharge
Oi yo, my gyal got some sexy discharge allover my cock, wish i could spread it on a crumpet styll
by Antony Dawson October 13, 2020
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