The Covidiots Capital of America. A place where women with bad boob jobs think that their tight face lift will ward off the Coronavirus.
Hey everyone! We live in San Clemente, California. We are Covidiots. We don't care that people are dying from Coronavirus. We want to exercise our right to pretend we know how to surf, and go to a glossy canteen and drink. We're going to invite the media so we can show off our botched boob jobs.
by GPT77 May 12, 2020
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A town in the south of Orange County. It used to be a really cool low-key beach town. Now it is just a blingy place with a bunch of wanna-bes who are upsidedown in their mortgages. It is filled with botox hags/40 year old ex strippers/"cheerleaders" who are so worthless they can't even get a job. They sit around and scream at their wannabe surfer husbands because they can't make enough money to keep up with what they think is their "lifestyle." Some may or may not be swingers. The houses were build like crap in the early and mid two thousands. These bozos paid way too much for the houses and now they are stuck with homes they couldn't afford in the first place.
Walking through the mall I noticed 6 botox hags. They must be from San Clemente, California Wish they would put on more clothes I really don't want to look at them.
by tankerperson June 17, 2011
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A hell-hole of a high school in a rich suburban city in Texas. EXTREMELY high standards and very difficult classes.

Top 10% usually have at LEAST a 5.4

Therefore if you get all As in advanced (regular) classes then it is impossible to be in the top. Most kids take take many honors and/or AP classes.

As far as extracurricular there it has an amazing band, choir, color guard, cross country, soccer, team, theater, swimming and diving. There is also a kick-ass decathlon team~! Plus, the art program is beyond belief with their talent.

Almost half are Asian kids (love them :3) and it is verrrrrrrrry diverse with people from almost every country around the globe.

The actual builiding has almost no windows and is not very nice. However the area it is located in is extremely affluent and seeing lots of lexus, bmw, mercedes benz, etc cars is a common site at clements. Some of these kids are very snooty but only a few.

Overall there are alot of super smart kids who will go off to do great things which is a blessing and curse with so much pressure to succeed!

EXTRA: Youtube star Kevjumba attended this school until 2008.
girl: Where do you go to school?

boy:Clements High School...

girl: ...Oh jeez im sorry D:
by raraahahahromaromamagagaoolala February 23, 2010
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When a woman rubs her nipples deep into your ear. It is a surprising event which you never knew you would ever enjoy.
"Dude, that bird raped my ears with her nipples!"

"No way! You just got a Clement ear cake! "
by Muttkins June 1, 2014
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st clements is the most boring of the private schools but you’ll learn to survive and thrive through many hours of church if you go there. it’s sometimes referred to as Slut Clements Private School and also often referred to as hell. most st clements sports teams lose almost every game but that’s not surprising considering most coaches are just math teachers who don’t want to be there. overall st clements school is basically a factory to produce people who become crazy cat ladies in their late 20s.
“she’s only 30 why does she act like my grandma???”
“because she graduated from st clements school”
by sk8rboi420 January 5, 2019
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A day of such supremely good weather that it may be necessary to skip work or class.

As opposed to INclement weather days, when schools and businesses close due to snow or other harsh conidtions.
"Today has been declared a clement weather day, and employees will be dismissed early. With today's 75 degree temperatures and cloudless skies, all caution should be taken to avoid the indoors, as it would most likely be detrimental to your health. This has been your local weather watch."
by Catvision April 24, 2009
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I sit on my ass all day watching YouTube.


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Other Socals are in my YT description I'm funny as fuck.
Ellie-May Clements :Im a meme Lord No questions asked.

I love Oliver graves he is queen
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