A punk-bitch; a person that is bitch made. Someone who does nothing but shit a bitch would do.
I'm old school; I call punks chumps
by Miles D yo July 19, 2005
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1. A punk-ass bitch, instigating a fight on a school playground.

2. A punk-ass bitch, who insists you're wrong and he's always right.
"C'mon Chump, you wanna start something?!"
by Tagman77 February 6, 2004
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Look at those losers at the TRUMP rally's!

Yeah, they're called TRUMPS CHUMPS!
by Sicoldog September 17, 2016
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1)Someone who gave something or someone good up.
2)Someone who will regret the giving up.
"I'm such a chump. I fucked up with her/him."
by Kyrstin March 27, 2005
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Someone who is gullible, foolish, or stupid and lacking in the self-awareness to realize it.
If you support Trump, you must be a chump.
by Doctor Sativus November 3, 2020
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Someone who votes for Donald Trump.
Donald Trump is a Chump and anyone who votes for him is unaware of their like minded chumpness.
by Not a chump from oregon August 26, 2016
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a person who abuses steroids and goes to the gym alot (you can usually spot a chump by the way they walk)
look at that chump over there he actually walks like hes been raped
by ibukun April 10, 2009
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