When somebody cracks a painfully bad or awkward joke and you throw out a quick little laugh to avoid the awkwardness.
Dude, stephen had the worst racist joke, i gave a charity chuckle so it wouldn't be awkward.
by Jiff Ratchet November 20, 2010
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Wiping your butt minutes or hours after the offending dump has been taken. Sometimes necessary when the offending dump has been particularly greasy and you can't be sure you got completely clean during the intial wipe.
I took a dump an hour ago that was so greasy that now I have to do a charity wipe.
by Micah A. March 12, 2008
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An orgasm which is given out of an uncomfortable sense of duty; much like parting with small change when confronted with a bucket shaking Salvation Army worker. You don't want to give it, but you'll be made to feel a total shit if you don't.

Here is a typical example of a circumstance that requires such a donation. Your partner has been moaning all the livelong day about their appearance. Words like "obese", "disgusting", "hideous" and "gross" have been used so often and so emphatically that, despite yourself, you genuinely begin to agree. Then the obligatory "You're so gorgeous, I can't keep my hands off you" sex that was meant to assure them they're hot has become an act of charity, with you performing deeds that you would rather not share with someone who has half convinced you they're a troll.
He closed his eyes and thought of Beyoncé whilst making his charity orgasm donation to his long term "fat", "rancid" and "skanky" girlfriend.
by MagickDio October 13, 2010
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Someone, usually a friend or an acquaintance, that will get you off or have sex with you when you need to bust a nut or need to get railed.
I had to see my charity worker last night. My balls were full and needed to be emptied.

My neighbor has managed to turn me into her charity worker. He boyfriend can’t keep up so she slips over each night for a little gut rearranging.
by Dick Onchin September 22, 2020
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Getting money from your parents for doing nothing like a spoiled bitch
John: I just got paid twenty dollars from my parents for no reason

Greg: Sounds more like chump charity to me
by Sitykid5 February 5, 2016
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a shop which people donate there unwanted junk to inorder for some poor etheopian kid to benifit from the sale.
a charity shop is my number one source for incomplete jigsaw puzzles
by ally pow January 6, 2006
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