Cary is the biggest dick you will ever meet. He is a faggot beyond belief and even has the name of a girl. He probably sucks at soccer yet he thinks he's good because we won all league once. He loves a girl he could never get. He probably has a small penis and extremely old parents. If you ever meet a Cary, let him go right away because he isn't worth it.
OMG look at Cary.
Ugh, I hate him. He's a total dick!
by the12345 November 26, 2018
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The coolest, prettiest, cutest, most amazing girl you will ever meet. She always knows how to make you happy and cheer you up. Everyone is jealous of her little Asian boyfriend who is the luckiest man in the world as he is able to call caris his lady. Her boyfriend tries his hardest to make her happy and be the best for her but he knows that he will never be as good to her and she is to him. Caris has the coolest clothes and always looks soooo gorgeous. Caris’ favourite thing to do in her spare time is to play games, usually a mario game on the ds as no one comes near to how good she is at it.
Ryan’s friend: wowee look at that beautiful girl over there

Ryan: hold your horses! That’s my lady caris and she’s all mine :))))

Ryan’s friend: I’m heckin jealous :( ur so lucky

Ryan: Yh ik :) I’m gonna marry her one day
by Hecklefreckle January 13, 2018
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The most amazing boyfriend a girl could ever have.
anybody would be so lucky to have him.
im the happiest girl on this planet because i know he's mine <3
by macyiscarysgurlfran July 11, 2008
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Handsome guy with a great nose and awesome teeth. Dope fresh to the maxxx, suuuuuuuper friendly and mosdef down for anything.
Cary is dope
by OG Bella Mia October 21, 2020
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This may at first sound like a girl name but it is not. Cary is the sweetest boy you will ever meet and he is life good at everything! He is caring but it takes him a while to trust you and show his emotions but once you’re in, you’ll never regret it.
Have you seen how smart Cary is?!
by Purplekid October 16, 2019
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A crazy pyscho feminist who rages on most days about nothing in particular, leading you in circles going no where but confusion
Man, that girl started talking. I could have sworn she pulled a Cari.
by Jack Wendy March 12, 2009
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Smoking hot and Jaded. This is a name given to girls, who are on fire. Literally, always burning in hell, they will touch you and you will feel like you are decieved except unaware. Cari is the name of Sister Criminal. Very envious of others, and constantly tries to cute up her sex appeal. May steal gold, ruby's, sweaters, cd's, or anything that she can be turned on to. Life isn't an expense in her eyes, it's her own pirates chest.
Cari blinded Anika with her gorgeous smile and then stole Anika's gold necklace she hadn't even worn yet.
by europopian May 8, 2009
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