someone who talks a lot about dumb shit and likes playing with his pud
William Carver likes playing with his pud
by Redneck hippie September 25, 2018
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The act of spreading crunchy peanut butter betwixt ones anus and having another individual eat it out.
Damn that girl offered to provide her own Jiffy Crunch for the George Carver Salad.
by JIMMY259 December 26, 2015
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A user on Urbandictionary that sits back behind his phone and talks shit about all his class mates in his school
Phantom Carver is a fuckboy
by SwAg_ReAper March 20, 2019
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Points used to get dabbed up or kuckels
Trying to hit my juul i wanna get more carver points Aiden
by Lil glock September 18, 2019
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an absolute bitch with a good actor

This idiot tried to kill eddie munson and lucas sinclair in stranger things

Then he split in half and died
Bob: "I feel like I am gonna split in half"
Kevin: "like jason carver?"
by Luke124 July 16, 2022
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When somebody gets sauced really hard. Usually used in super smash bros.
Tyler:*gets JV4'd by Max's DK*
Max: "Dang you just got George Washington Carvered"
by SaximusPrime June 4, 2022
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