brody a man who steals yo girl go ask the last dude
by biggiesheese likes waffles March 13, 2018
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Brody is the typical boyfriend material athletic male. He tends to be a bit of a jerk at times, but if he cares about you more than friends he's very protective. Brody almost always is surrounded by his friends male or female. Brody is normally the one person to stand out to people in a crowd, he always looks good as well no matter what the situation is.
Girl: Is that Brody? He looks great like always..
Girls friend: Yeah he always stands out, and always looks good.
by eatonville friends June 6, 2019
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He is a cool guy that gets a lot of cheeks. He plays video games a lot but still makes time for booty. He knows how to tickle his pickle and he does it all the time. But he has a lot of friends and booty.
1. Bro brody get hella cheeks

2. I wish brody ate my cheeks
by luke.official514 April 29, 2020
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Brody is a intelligent young boy, but he is not so intelligent when it comes to common sense. He leaves his friends hanging and he goes with his girlfriend. He is a player when it comes to girls. When brody is single he could be the nicest person in the world.
Random girl: omg brody is hot!!!

Brody's girlfriend: brody is mine!!!
by Soccer girl 2009 October 5, 2019
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Me: Hey dude, Brody smoked so much last night
You: I know right I thought he was gonna Die.
by ilikedomopie May 12, 2011
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