This is a lager beer that originated in a sailors fridge in Rockingham, it can be likened to Alladdins cave in that it lured a Queenslander sailor away from the eastern states squalor to the west, which is obviously the best.

Problem is, you can enter the cave of Emu wonders and gaze at the majesty of the carton in the fridge. But if you take one sip it will be like sucking on an Emu and the sky will fall on your head
My God! This Emu Bitter beer is like sucking on an Emu’s head!!
by Matt Labrador March 22, 2020
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a buffalo that commits suicide by jumping off a cliff
my brain's the cliff, and my hearts the bitter buffalo
by jake56342 May 20, 2009
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The feeling a hipster gets when he/she follows something from the beginning, only to later be directly and/or indirectly insulted by it.
I've been a huge fan of Travis Clark's tattoos since way before it was cool. He became a big deal and when I got a new tattoo from him, it looked like a swollen pig's ass. I'm so hipster bitter.
by Hiphopappotamus May 28, 2014
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An older man, constantly whining and complaining (to anyone who will listen) about his long-lost youth. Constantly hangs around with the younger crowd and observes with resentment. This phase often precedes or coincides with midlife crisis.

Note: It is best to avoid a bitter bill in social situations, especially when alcohol is added to the mix.
"I avoid going to bars during happy hour, because at that time of day, it's usually just a bunch of bitter bills looking for young tail."
by CrackInTheBox July 15, 2005
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A girl or boy who is very ugly in the face. Typical dog bitters have an ok body but the face is deplorable. They usually turn to making out with a dog cuz they're just that ugly.
Guy1: Check her out she has a nice ass.
Guy2: Wait for it....(she turn's around)
GUY 1/2: Damn she's a dog bitter,fuckin ugly. What a shame, that's a waste of a perfectly nice butt on a face like that.
by VRPDY May 12, 2009
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An already existing term that sounds like "Better Call Saul"
"Bitter Coleslaw" sounding like "Better Call Saul" has to be an ultra rare coincidence.
by MyPseudonymThatsNotMyName September 21, 2022
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Something you say whenever you are in trouble.

Not a professional basketball player.
"Bitter Coleslaw, said Market Pliers, after committing 29 warcrimes with The Bronze Jade
by PoyTheEpic October 23, 2022
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