Leading someone on. More specifically, the act of leading a woman to think you're in love with her while you actually have very little interest in her at all, but wouldn't mind "hooking up with her once in a while". The term comes from The Bachelorette contestant, Bentley, who did exactly that.
Girl 1: "What happened to John? I thought you two were getting serious."
Girl 2: "No. He was driving a Bentley".
by Crazy Janie Poo June 30, 2011
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Bentley College is a business school in Waltham, MA. It is mainly an institution for the advancement of wealthy people. Most students are rich and get in a lot easier than the smaller population that is amazingly talented and got scholarships. The campus is completely lacking in diversity besides maybe the Asian population. Putting whiteout over fresh snow does not compare to the whiteness of Bentley.

More importantly, Bentley discriminates on the basis of talent and money. So if you don't have a good amount of either, you are not currently a Bentley student.

The campus has organizations that were made to give students fun things to do and keeps there little minds busy. People make friends of course, although if a job offering came up, they would happily punch their friend in the face to get it.

About once a semester there is some kind of big fundraiser on campus. These are social events where people joke around and pretend they are helping people. They put on their serious face, and then forget why they cared and go party.

Republicans and Democrats make up the political spectrum at Bentley. These are the people that may have important influence on the political life of this country some day, so they are highly propagandized and told not to think. Oh wait, nobody tells them that, but they do it anyways. Some students are good and decent, but many more students are loud, chauvinistic, competitive, and lazy. There idea of working together is teaming up to kick dirt in a poor man's face.
"I want to drink every day and try to do as little work as possible in college. After, I'll just take over my father's business."

"It's simple, just go to Bentley College!"
by Bentley Student April 13, 2006
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To strip down to one's underwear and pour a drink over a fellow reveller.

NB: First occurred when David Bentley, the professional footballer, did so on live TV following a victory over rivals Manchester City, May 5th 2010. (Available on Youtube).
Last night's party was amazing, I managed to do a David Bentley on some hot girl in a tight white t-shirt! And she loved it!
by Bentley Price May 9, 2010
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Benjamin Bentley has the longest penis ever known to man and has a great sense of humour. He also knows how to pleasure women really well.
'Wow Benjamin bentley was great last night'
by Adoffhitler June 21, 2017
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Bentley College is a small, private, upper echelon school where students learn the lesson…
“It’s not what you know, it’s who you know”. Bentley College a prime example of a modern, practical, business education with AMAZING networking perks. In Bentley’s freshman dorms, random roommates often become business partners. Students at Bentley have a great opportunity to learn about the accounting rules of LIFO and FIFO in class- but all Bentley students understand that in the business world, deals are made on golf courses and on yachts.
There are two types of students at Bentley College, filthy rich and driven. The two groups often work together; trust fund students provide capital to the hardworking students and before you know it… you find yourself in a SL 55 AMG in San Paulo with a briefcase full of cash ***ahhhh!!!!
by Livin' the good life June 26, 2006
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Where you have to walk uphill 15 minutes in the pouring rain or blizzard conditions in a suit becasue you have to make a presentation on some company's financial reports. Only to get to class soaking wet and sweaty. Of course your exhausted because you were up all night drinking and playing beer pong. Then when you did try to sleep the fire alarm would go off at 4am or you were woken up by construction outside your window at 7am. Pick your poison.
Bentley College has a Berut Team? Hell yeah, we are national champions.
by Jeffles March 22, 2006
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bentley college is one of the best business schools in the country. Where the rich kids go because their daddy's say so and the poor smart kids go to be successful in their poor little lives. Those poor kids teach those up tight rich boys how to pound beers and drink like champions, while the rich kids tell stories about their amazingly rich lives.
person 1: Im gettin hammered at school everyday this week.
person 2: where you go to school? bentley college or something?
by J-Rummy December 13, 2005
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