A legendary kahoot name. When said it will sound like “bend over” as if your asking for sex
Student: My name is going to be Ben Dover

Teacher: Who is Ben Dover?

Class: *starts laughing*
by GetYeeted420 December 18, 2019
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Litteraly any immature 6th grader’s Kahootname.
Teacher: Class we are going to be having a Kahoot. Sign in now.

James: *types Ben Dover as name*
Teacher: Who’s Ben Dover?
by Dead shot 82 May 25, 2020
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A awesome youtuber names baylen levine everyone loves his content and merch also frick vape
It means when someone says who do u like dee snuts lou sassle or ben dover
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A very nice and kind person. Benjamin E. Dover came from the slums of Ontario, Canada. Growing up, he never got the opportunities and money that we have today, after all, it was the 1600s. Now Benjamin is happily married to 4 wives, and has -2934876 billion dollars after insulting Vladimir Putin.
"hey lady, you forgot Ben Dover"
by Benjamin E. Dover March 27, 2022
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