Loves you, Or cant stand your punk ass. one who believes Snitches and Fags should die a slow painfull death. once a snitch always a snitch no 2nd chances! also strongly believes people with turbons should die. CAUSE OF DEATH. BIG FUCKING EXPLOSION. very loyal and trustworthy. not so book smart. A proud GRADUATE of SundDown M Ranch. lovely rehabilitation facility easily convinced into anything when fucked up. easily fucked up. POOR ASS WHITE BOY! LOVES HIS FUCKING LIFE! NO REGRETS!
Beau was pissing me off that mother fuckers lucky hes my homie.
by HatenSnitches January 2, 2011
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Any beau that you will ever meet will try and befriend but fail miserably and he will stay around people who dont like his company
Anyone ever: Ah fuck... beau is coming everyone act nice
by BeauFuckingSucks November 29, 2018
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french for beautiful, also used for lover and boyfriend. Pronounced "BO", not "BOO".
Me and my beau went out last night and had a fabulous time!
by bookbeau March 13, 2004
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Beau is an amazing guy he stands out form the crowd. He is caring sweet and makes the best boyfriend. He is freaking beau-tiful his eyes are amazing and his hair is always on point. Girls love him he is friendly and charming.
It's Beau quick at cool!
by P R I N C E S S M I A November 21, 2016
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A. To make love or to have consensual sex with a women till they die from sexual pleasure. Not Rape. (note: no actual death is needed to occur but should be the objective)

B. To perform at anything until near perfection is achieved in said act.
A. Rebecca "Wow did you you hear about Allison?", Susan "No what happened?"
Rebecca "She got Beaued by Bryan last night, her parents are so upset"

B. That's a really good painting, it looks like you really Beaued this one.
by BigREDgrin March 23, 2011
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