To masturbate

*Could also say: Eat the Fruit*
Girl: I ate the fruit last night and there was alot of juice

Boy: The pulp squirted all over the place after the Ate the Fruit this morning.
by TJMoney91094 April 1, 2011
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To fall hard, often face-first, while walking, running, or attempting to perform a stunt. Eating shit may result in injury, because this type of fall often happens too quickly for the person to put their hands out to catch themselves.
"What happened to Adam's face?"

"He ate shit on his run this morning--the sidewalks are really icy!"
by grimm23 January 31, 2022
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Looking great in an outfit or pulling off a great make up look
Yess sis ate that up”
by ifieatedsoap October 16, 2020
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Acronym used while texting, meaning "any time soon"
by XerocX079 November 18, 2009
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used to answer someone when they are looking for something, whether you don't know where it is, you ACTUALLY ate it, or if you feel like sitting back and laughing at them while they look for the thing even though you know where it is.

If a person is asking for the where-abouts of a female, the scenario could have some sexual undertones. (I ate her).
Scenario 1;
1: Hey have you seen the cookies?
2: I ate it.

(in the above senario, person no.2 ate "it" not them, therefore it ambigous as to whether he actually ate the cookies.)

Scenario 2;
1: Have you seen my top?
2: I ate it.

Scenario 3;
1: Have you seen dad?
2: I ate him.
by Gustus February 1, 2008
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To fuck up or do something extremely stupid.
"Did you hear about Aaron Hernandez?"
"Yeah, he really ate the bones..."
by Chef Vortivask June 26, 2013
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She or he exceeded expectations of a performance.
Joe: Bob, did you see Cardi B’s performance last night?
Bob: yes I did, Joe. Sis ate
by davidross6669 June 29, 2018
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