This basically means, "Son, please" literally-translated. It is a fun way to say, "Come on!" but in that friendly/funny way. It can also be an alternative to saying the b-word when trying to say 'b-word please." 'Beta' is not a swear!
(bay-tah - puleez) (note: do not say it like the Greek 'beta' but instead with more "bae" or "bay")
Ex 1:
"I got a 91 on that AP biology test."
"Beta please, I got one-hunnit."
Ex 2:
"I think that the sky is pink all day err-day."
"Beta, please, shut up."
by nav6 October 5, 2014
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With Obama being considered a black man by most, It's the same as, 'nigger please'.
What's up my nigger? Who you callin nigger? You nigger! Obama please!
by Ball333 November 28, 2013
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an extra cute way to say please. No man can say no to a "pretty please".
Girl: can you please paint my toenails?
Boy: fuck no
Girl: (pouty-lipped) pretty please?
Boy: gimme the damn polish
by browngirl March 3, 2007
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Guys please is a two-word combination into one, which is used by streamer quackity when his friends in a discord call didn't listen to him.
(quackity in a call) Please answer me
(proceeds to write in the discord chat) Guys please.
by ThisGuyIsYours March 9, 2021
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Tabrizi proverb (made famous by Qalandar of Tabriz)

To cease, desist, stop whatever it is you're saying or doing. A badass thing to say to someone when you want to lay the smackdown on them.
Maajid Nawaz, please to refrain. You being defecations.
by Pleasetorefrain August 11, 2014
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by Fynnster48 December 6, 2018
Pleasing the plumbers occurs when one's sexual attraction to someone else drives them to fuck their crushes by any means necessary. Pleasing the plumbers can include but is not limited to stalking/cyberstalking, sexting, making comments on body parts, voyeurism, and asking for sexual favors. Pleasers of plumbers will ignore their crushes' discomfort and relentlessly seek the opportunity to fuck them. Thus, consent is not an issue.
Hitler's been sexually harassing that little girl, even after she told him to stop! He must be pleasing the plumbers!
by Yopmail User August 22, 2022
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