Charlie Sheen is a drug that is unavailable because if you try it once, your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body.
Dude, where is your face?!?!? Someone spiked my drink with Charlie Sheen last weekend.
by pd293 March 10, 2011
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Actor Charlie Sheen's drug of choice. Consists of cocaine, tiger's blood, and vodka.
Man, I got totally wasted off of some awesome Charlie Sheen last night.
by Flipflops76 March 10, 2011
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Slang for cocaine. This slang came to light after Charlie Sheen's infamous rants.
Guy 1: "Dude, you need to quit that Charlie Sheen. It will melt your face of and explode your body in front of your weeping children."
Guy 2: "Shut up man, I'm busy WINNING."
by omicron142 March 10, 2011
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Charlie Sheen is the most hardcore drug on the planet
I am on a drug its called CHARLIE SHEEN but its not available because if you try it once you will die and your face will melt off and your children will weap over your exploded body
by Jwebby March 2, 2011
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A warlock/rock star from Mars. Usually extremely tired of pretending he's not special.Great at making money off of his own nervous breakdown. Highly superior to the rest of the human race. His only flaw is that in case of a transfusion, he needs to transfuse his own blood with that of a tigers.
What's the difference between Charlie Sheen and an ordinary human? Charlie Sheen isn't a troll.
by juicalicious March 22, 2011
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