The new emoticon I came up with like 65 seconds ago.

The 8 is the eyes, and the period is the mouth, giving a blank, or more of a surprised, shocked expression.
Guy1: DUDE! I just won a million dollars.
Guy2: 8. Woah.

Guy1: DUDE! I just did your mom!
Guy2: 8.
by Petey Mik March 1, 2008
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That there is the donut-master himself, Homer Simpson. No idea where it came from, but I think it wasn't very well known.
Chatter 1: ((8^(|)
Chatter 2: What the hell is that?
Chatter 1: It's H0omer Simpson. Duh!
Chatter 2: I don't see it.
Chatter 1: Go screw yourself.
by EYanyo December 10, 2004
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Symbol for "pointy" or sharp penis. Can also be written as:
and with more equals signs. More equals signs denotes more length.
Person 1: 8=>
Person 2: Your dick's pointy???
by John Argon July 13, 2006
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The height a dick has to be in order to go on certain rides.
Hey you're not 8!
by mavurbster May 19, 2014
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The ordinal number '8' is often used in place of the phonemes that would make the sound 'ate' in written English.
I say 'often', I actually mean 'often (by bumpers)'
The habit could have originally developed among linux {fucktards in chatrooms, or 14 year old scrubbers text messaging on mobile phones. Either that or from 'old-school' rave act Altern8 (still DJ-ing in and around Stoke-on-Trent, kids!)
Whichever way you look at it, it looks shit and dosn't make you look cool.
"C U L8R M8!!!!!"

"He was a sk8r boi..."

"I'd rather menstru8 a ten ton w8 than write in such an illiter8 way, dude."
by Stooo March 21, 2003
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someone with glasses and a big nose, like Groucho Marks. Possibly trying to be sneaky.
Damn, that guy in our 5th grade class had big glasses and a big nose 8^)
by DerDer December 30, 2004
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an eye rolling face on msn. used for annoying situations.
person 1: holy man, i hate you! i hope you die!!111!

person 2: 8-) okay then
by Kitty Cakes. April 5, 2009
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