The lowest and darkest tint you can buy. Next darkest tint you may buy is 5%. 2.5% may or may not be illegal depending on where you live. This tint is also known as limo tint.
2.5% tint is used in limo's.
by Psymon1418 April 6, 2011
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A car with window tinting that's so dark you can be fucking inside and no one would know.
Ex 1.

Guy 1: Wow, yur camaro looks bad ass, bro!

Guy 2: Yea, got the fuck tint on last week. Epic sex awaits cause nobody gonna see through that!

Ex 2:

Guy 1: Damn, those windows are blacked out!

Guy 2: Yup, fuck tint keeps your shit PRIVATE.
by psycholas August 29, 2013
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The weird description of how your dick is 2 shades darker than the rest of your body
by Penistint August 27, 2017
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Being so drunk, that women who you once thought weren't attractive suddenly become attractive. Alcohol is usually to blame. It gets it's name from a piece of glass, attached to a hockey helmet for eye protection. With this glass tinted, it would become very hard to see or distinguish things which are distinguishable otherwise.
by Blinky938 September 6, 2009
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A phenomenon, similar to beer goggles whereby the more glasses of rosé a female consumes, the more attractive a male may appear. This then means that a beautiful woman may lower herself to a less-than-stunning bloke, should she consume enough glasses of rosé.
'Hey bro, come look at this stunning girl giving me the eye. She's obviously looking at me through rosé tinted glasses as she hasn't even noticed that I have vomit on my sweater or that my pecker is hanging out.'
by Anonymous submissions October 31, 2016
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Teaching at ILBC, Wah Wah Tint is widely known as the best history teacher. She loves class Sec 2 D the most.
We love you, Tr. Wah Wah!
Your outfit is really beautiful, Tr. Wah Wah!
Our teacher is Wah Wah Tint!
by Shin Khant February 14, 2022
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A lesbian who leans toward the femme side of the butch or lipstick continuum (that dichotomy is totally arbitrary/not legit, but just for the sake of definition). Could defy “chapstick lesbian,” standards by wearing dresses more frequently or donning makeup more frequently. May have an equal number of pairs of pajama pants and lipsticks in her home. Might enjoy wearing makeup OR loungewear just as much. Not a lipstick lesbian because they do not NEED to wear a dress or makeup - still taking less than 20 minutes to get out the door.
I am a tinted-chapstick lesbian. You can pick me up for a hike and a martini bar in 15 minutes.
by tinted-chapstick-lesbian June 22, 2021
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