A ro-racing term for bad drivers/people who play on phones.
Avriix almost made the playoffs, but Slider just decided to be a mobile racer.
by Anannymoist August 31, 2022
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What mobile devices are.
Carlos is researching and writing as much in his handheld mobile computer than on his iMac.
by but for July 30, 2021
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Someone that travels to you for your appointed sexual endeavors.
The boys are are on the back burner tonight because my mobile bootycall racheal is coming.
by Locsir April 2, 2023
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A phenomenon where a game gets a mobile port and suddenly 98% of the people playing it are mobile players
bro 1: I used to love this game, now it is mobile invaded
bro2: we must stop this mobile invasion
by SomeRandomIdk December 10, 2022
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When you pass gas in a vehicle while sitting on a heated seat, creating a slow cooking of the bomb that just dropped from ones colon.
Dude, what's that smell? Are you mobile crockpotting?

While driving down interstate 45 the passengers were all to aware the driver was performing a mobile crockpot.
by Slainte October 4, 2013
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When a person is using the restroom while talking or texting on his/her cell phone at the same time.
The man was p-mobiling at the urinal next to me.
by spc20 July 11, 2012
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When you are long distanced, and you send your girl a picture of your penis
Girl: Send me a dick pic
Guy: I'll send you that mobile dick
by sTaYd0Wn December 30, 2016
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