When you're high and you send in urban dictionary definitions that make no sense
Guy #1 (high): Bro I'm tripping right now but this word I defined on urban dictionary is fucking funny
Guy #2: This shit doesn't make any sense, you're definitely pube-lishing
Guy #1: Nah you just gotta feel it through the words
by pseudonymous-bosch- June 4, 2018
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The specific moment directly after masturbation when your semen shoots up in the air, just to land back in your pubic hairs. The semen is typically hard to get out, and if not washed out in time, the cum will harden your pubic hairs in a white clump, which is painful to clean afterwards.
Jim: Yo last night I whacked the lizard, and I got mad Elmer’s pubes.
Francis: Wash it out with warm water and soap, that’s nasty.
by yeetusdeletusforjesus March 8, 2019
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Styling your pubes in such a way that they look nice enough to be on your face
My pube hair keeps getting stuck in my zip, so I put it in a pube doo
by Your_mum's_a_whore44 January 24, 2016
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a nougat like substance that forms on ones pubic hair when the substances semen, piss, saliva, sweat, and pubic hair are all found in large quantitys and are in a warm area; pube nougat is highly radioactive and turns the "host" of the nueget homosexual, gothic, or fat.
john got dumped, so he stayed in his room for a week. in this time he soiled himself, mastrabated, somehow sucked his own penis and sweated alot because his heater temporaraly broke therefore developing pube nougat which turned him into justin beiber
by i hate gay people 101 oh yeaaa February 9, 2011
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Pube Vision is using the power of the mind to peel back the layers and view the state and style of another's pubic region.
You don't need to have Pube Vision to know that there was no way in hell the curtains match the carpet.
by Discoloration March 1, 2017
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When a a girl sucks your dick with ice in her mouth
Babe, my dick is hot, pit some ice in your mouth and give me some ice pubes
by 1326806357 January 23, 2021
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