Furiously, and sometimes violently stimulating the male genitalia
Dude, my girl totally blue balled me and then took off last night, so I went home and was totally waxing the yak skin.
by TehNiZmoGuy May 2, 2011
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This refers to a lady who is shaving her intimate parts.
The use of the word camel is taken from the popular phrasecamel toe.
Whilst watching an ac/dc concert,I found it very difficult to understand some of Brian Johnson's lyrics.
One of the lines sounded like "She was waxing a Camel".
These are not the actual words, But ac/dc may use them if they wish.
Hi Britney, Have you been waxing a camel?
I say Jeeves, Is that lady Waxing a camel?
I can't come out tonight, I am waxing my camel.
I prefer a lady with a waxed camel, not a 70's bush.
Looking through a window,I observed two ladies waxing each others camels, I was thoroughly disgusted!
Look at that camel, I bet it is waxed.
My favourite hobby is camel waxing.
by Scott Bon February 4, 2008
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When Mark Spector from Sportsnet finds a dead racoon in the trash and fucks it.
Mark was out late last night waxing the hull, so he took the day off.
by Dan Staples June 22, 2017
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Paste for the grill. Often used for brushing the teeth but also useful in hiding nail holes in plaster.
Hey Ma, pick me up a forty and grill wax from the bodega.
by Thomas Ricker May 31, 2005
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A term first coined by a high school teacher in Sacramento, CA
1. Hair removal of the private/pubic area
2. Increased opening of vagina or anus due to libido
3. Booty call or thirstiness toward someone of the male gender
Patricia: Let's get down and dirty, Michael.
Michael: Did you just say waxing crevice?
Patricia: Yes, now let's sleep together.
by YummyCookie May 17, 2015
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Someone who makes out they’re tough but they’re soft as shit
Holly: do you want a fight?
David: shut up you ham wallet you’re such a wax melt!
by TheHWOG October 21, 2022
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