A girl in South Africa that gets anything they want from parents and have every month allowance for just being a daughter of someone.
Ropafadzo is such a cheese girl did you see her new I phone she takes beautiful pictures with
by Sista Betina November 22, 2021
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cheese and beans make me fart because im a thicc goddess
i eat cheese and beans for a living
by thiccyqueenzzzzz May 14, 2020
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Hard, solid block of cheese, hard enough to inflict damage if hit by it. Usually colored in bright shades more typical for taxi cabs than edible matter. For example, Black Diamond.
That block of weapons grade cheese would do some serious damage if you get hit by it.

That's some weapons grade cheese right there.

"Is that cheese or a weapon for self defense?"
"It's weapons grade cheese."
by Bahuka March 25, 2017
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a guy that is with/ is / sells/ was / will be /wants/shits cheese.
guy 1: Ay bato who is that

Guy 2: thats the cheese Guy

Cheese guy: Oooooooooh

Proudly sponsored by Danny Glass
by shpeve August 30, 2023
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When the man rolls up the woman in a blanket and proceeds to have sex with her.
Person 1: I just had sex with Stacie the other day.
Person 2: Isn’t your heater broken? It was -1 degrees
Person 1: Yeah, I rolled her up in a blanket before

Person 2: Like a cream cheese sushi roll?
Person 1: ...Like a what?
by Dadude2020 December 6, 2021
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someone who can’t control themselves when drunk and believes they are talking sense in this state of mind even though nobody actually knows what they are talking about
yo look at mr. cheese over there, acting retarded
by Buckeyboi July 10, 2021
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