James: I shaved my pubes the other day
Jacob: Did you get you get your Sideburns-Pube
James: Yeah I it was the hardest place to get
by LOLER12 September 6, 2016
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When a man gets fat in the belly, a secondary roll of fat develops below his belly button. When this fat rolls to either side of his penis, he develops pube boobs.
When my belly got too big to hold my fat, I developed pube boobs.
by leatherbootsstl September 2, 2017
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National pluck ur pubes day August 6 is a day where everybody plucks their pubes and their friends pubes.
“Yo Jack have you plucked your pubes yet it’s National pluck ur pubes day. Wanna help me pluck mine?”
by Pube suckers 69 August 5, 2021
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Chewing tobbaco
Jeff:Ew I just put some tobbaco into my mouth and now it tastes and smells like shit!
Chad:Stop chewing these devil's pubes you retard
by The_Exalted_One December 9, 2020
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When you're at a party and people pass out you harvest their pubic hair and apply it to the face if they need a monobrow or Hitler or some cheek fuzz and if there's not enough pubic hair on them then you got to go harvest it from somebody else and and that's a really fun game to play when it's it's the pubes all about the pubes
Damn I had such a great time doing pube art on that b**** Amanda last night yeah cuz she has a massive amount of ass hair and I hate that c***
by Crazy Carebear April 12, 2023
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