An Ashlee that buys a total badass car to represent in her hood
OMG, did you hear Ashlee just bought a Lexus? Total Baller.
by FullySickDato December 6, 2021
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A damn cool, laid-back female (loves gangster rap music)

Coined by Tigerlily in her song "Kitty Cat Baller"
There were a whole lot of bitches in the club last night and only one kitty cat baller.
by TigerlilyRadio April 2, 2012
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giant room attached to a little box with 2 bunkbeds. the inhabitants are fabulous and have 2 tvs and 2 dying plants
I'm going to the Baller quad cause I need cooler friends
by Regina Felange November 28, 2007
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A question about ballers which makes the baller prove he is a baller by giving the most ballin answer.
"I have a baller-koan for you. If a birdman sold coke a forest and no one saw it, is he still a baller?"
by flavahnice May 17, 2008
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An organization of street ballers and cheer leaders that play for money.
Iam apart of the baller jam champion ship.
by LBJAY March 29, 2018
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A organization of street ballers and cheer leaders.
I was apart of the baller jams champion ship back in high school i was called baby shack.
by LBJAY March 27, 2018
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A person who, with no prior planning, forethought, or regard for policy, proceeds to execute a plan regardless of the outcome. Typically applies to construction or pipeline work.
That cock baller dale just showed up and drank 30 beer.

Call me later, I’m just gonna go cock ball this pipeline quick.

John just cock balled in with his mustang.
by Caulk baller October 8, 2021
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