Guy1. Yo bro i just got a girlfriend
Guy2: Nahh bro you faze rugging me!
by IPlayBloxFruits_12 September 15, 2023
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A rug made out of Slug slime or Slug corpses
by February 18, 2021
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A Disco Rug is an interchangeable term used to describe either a mustache or pubic hair, with the meaning typically depending on the context in which it is used.
Example A: “Hey man, I saw you rocking that disco rug Saturday night. Lookin’ good!”

Example B: “It was a long night. We went back to their apartment and I found out they had a crazy Disco Rug.”
by NumberOneSwimmer February 9, 2022
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Something big or strong enough that you can’t keep up with
He smacked it with ruggedness
by KilluAmongA April 1, 2022
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Wrapping your arms around another person from behind and biting their neck. It is usually done to show affection.
Guy 1: Hey, I heard you got blind rugged by someone at that party last night!
Guy 2: Ya! Now my neck really hurts!
Guy 1: Well, atleast it means she likes you.
Guy 2: I guess so, but I am not the blind rugging kind of guy.
by SlimKim June 12, 2016
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