When you use cum to seal a container.
"Yo Ryan, since you drank the last of the milk, I went ahead and diamond sealed all of your video game containers!"
by Domslay June 9, 2022
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noun. A feel good seal is someone who makes other people feel good. They put others before themselves and act selflessly
u/RestlessARBIT3R is such a feel good seal. He always acts in the interest of others
by RestlessARBIT3R November 6, 2021
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When your dick is glazed in so much cum your sex partner can't even feel it.
Girl:is it in yet I can't feel it?
Boy: ya, I just have a soapy seal.
by Filelton February 2, 2016
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a specialized washer that ensures a gas-tight seal between the cylinder yoke or regulator of an anaesthetic machine or any medical device requiring a gas supply, and a gas cylinder.
If only a Bodok seal was a real seal and not just some washer for medical purposes.
by Overall1728 September 24, 2023
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when you first pee after drinking a lot, and then you keep peeing all night constantly.
friend 1: i really have to pee
friend 2: you should wait otherwise you’re gonna break your seal for the whole night
by chumforyou2 June 20, 2020
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