When someone sends a picture that is vague enough that is only a spoiler if someone calls it one
“Hey delete that photo! It’s a spoiler!”
“Wait it is? I could have sworn we’ve this before”
“No it’s a spoiler for something later, trust me man this is the Spoiler paradox
by Mufasamarini2 March 16, 2021
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The desperate need to be the more attractive one in the relationship.
"That guy from our gym is so hot, but have you seen his wife? She looks like a bear with a mop for hair, no way can he be attracted to her."

"He suffers from the Beyonce paradox! Hes only with her because he desperately needs to look better than whoever he is with."
by KJ BELAFONTE July 25, 2019
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The term Bezos paradox is used to describe a relationship of two or more people where one must suffer for the other(s) to be happy
"I heard that cambodian child working in that factory is not having a great time"
"But i saw Jeff Bezos happy earlier, think that has something to do with the Bezos paradox"
by Somebody382 October 28, 2021
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The larger your penis the more bragging rights you have about your size, however, most woman cant handle large dick, therefore less women who will have sex with you. there is a goldilocks zone where both conditions can occur but it is a slim margin.
Jamal pulled a nice hoe, however he wasn't able to slay due to the big dick paradox
by please enter your username September 29, 2022
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It's a paradox stating that women excessively read into things even if there is nothing to read into. For example one can say hi and simply mean just that, hi but a woman will analyse that hi
Papi Gerald didn't mean it like that, it's a hi hi paradox
by Papi Gerald December 10, 2016
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The Paradox of Minimalism may be summed up in one sentence:

"If less is more, how little is too much?"

There are NIL Google results for that phrase, a quotation now attributable to Possom Cohen, New Zealand.

Time becomes more valuable as one ages. This is a classic example of the Paradox of Minimalism.
The Paradox of Minimalism is related to the passage of time and to The Holiday Paradox.

Why Does Time Seem to Speed Up with Age?
July 1, 2016
Scientific American

Bonnie Raitt addressed the passage of time and the Paradox of Minimalism in her song "Nick Of Time."

Bonnie Raitt - Nick Of Time

"I see my folks are getting on
And I watch their bodies change
I know they see the same in me
And it makes us both feel strange

No matter how you tell yourself
It's what we all go through
Those lines are pretty hard to take
When they're staring back at you

Oh Oh Oh, scared you'll run out of time

When did the choices get so hard
With so much more at stake
Life gets mighty precious
When there's less of it to wa-a-a-aste

Mmmmmmm, scared you'll run out of time"


There's an old joke - um... two elderly women are at a Catskill mountain resort, and one of 'em says, "Boy, the food at this place is really terrible." The other one says, "Yeah, I know; and such small portions." Well, that's essentially how I feel about life - full of loneliness, and misery, and suffering, and unhappiness, and it's all over much too quickly.”

― Woody Allen, Annie Hall: Screenplay
The Paradox of Minimalism is epitomized in the opening sentence of this 2016 New York Times article:

"It has become an ostentatious ritual of consumerist self-sacrifice; people who have it all now seem to prefer having nothing at all."

The Oppressive Gospel of ‘Minimalism’
By Kyle Chayka
July 26, 2016

The Paradox of Minimalism also describes some very rich people giving away most of their material possessions.

“The richer you are, the less you have.”

Another ironic example of the Paradox of Minimalism is the recent KonMari decluttering craze:

by Primary Producer NZ April 12, 2022
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The Roman Mars Paradox is a thought experiment that illustrates an apparent paradox of experiencing Roman Mars in different forms of media. In the thought experiment, Roman Mars may be considered simultaneously both attractive and unattractive as a result of being linked to the event of viewing Roman Mars.
The Roman Mars Paradox can include both of these statements.

Roman Mars is so attractive, he makes my pussy wet!

I saw Roman Mars and it made my pussy dry-up like a saltine cracker.
by BobDylan March 14, 2021
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