A term for women who are seen as weak or cowardly, a popular example of one being like the evil Queen Nehellenia.
1: I’m the Sailor Moon and you’re the beta cunt that always try’s to get Tuxedo Mask’s attention. He already wants me and you are the one with the least amount of good, using your rotten fuckery.

2: Oh I see.

1. You could of just hit on another Sailor Girl.
by Mrs Mrs Mrs June 4, 2021
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A smart beta is a male who is alpha smart in most aspects of life, but completely bitches out around women. Can apply to many situations, but often refers to scenarios with women.
Geez, KP seems to have his shit together, but he's a complete bitch around women.
Yeah, he's a smart beta.
by Waterman Dickfinger March 31, 2016
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The best frat ever. Which isn't saying much. All the guys are mid, yet the atmosphere is top tier. If you go to a beta party, you will feel like a ten simply because these men are desperate. Stay away from Topher.
1: Did you hear beta theta pi is throwing tonight?
2: Oh shit! Don't drink that wine again!
by bingbong27 January 10, 2022
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the definition of a beta male is a guy weigh 60kg and is skinny as fuck a list of beta male names are, matthew,daniel and bobby these guys are the guys that walk around the gym with their fucking tank tops when they are skinny as fuck. they try to bench 20kg's but still fail, just as they fail in life
mark- That guy matthew is such a "fucking beta malex" male bitch he cant even do 100 pull ups
brad- Hell yeah brotien hes such a bitch
by alphaguy69er March 2, 2019
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The most secrets society there is. One can’t even rush for this due to their selective picking. You are invited and if invited you must go to their first meeting to be initiated. That’s all I know due to not being in this sorority, but I know it’s an honor. Only the best are elected.
“Omg dude did you see the girl?”
Ya bro!! She’s so hot!”
Well duh bro she’s in Beta Pi Chi!”
by Otter pop January 7, 2018
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"Fortnite" CRAZY and tries to be smart like the Beta-Male by becoming the Gama-Male. Cries with Trufflebutter at night alone.
Everyone else: "Beta-Josh am I right or am I left."
Kylan: "Oi i can hear ya you know I'm 200IQ init"
Everyone else: "You are a Beta-Josh kys"
by slavslav November 17, 2019
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A Pro-beta is someone who's considered as a beta at first view but, the pro-beta is actually cooler, being special itself, his betaness being so high that he is different than every other beta, he doesn't need to say hello because people knows that's what he's saying without actually saying anything, he doesn't need any relation with girls/boys because he is satisfied with himself and doesn't need any recognition, many may follow him but the presences of other will trouble him, making him flee from them cuz his vibe would be destriyed
Person 1:at first I thought Jack was very cringe and ugly but when I saw from far that move he did with his skateboard, I realised he's a pro-beta
Person 2:really,that guy is cooler than I thought
by Frenchly french December 19, 2021
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