Ol tall giraffe ass albino ass looking fuck boy. Usually spotted blowin smoke in ya face while throwin trash on ya roof. Stupid ass Casper looking bitch.
Just seen Gucci Ward countin his money while doing 0-60 in .02 seconds in a candy painted Infiniti.
by Makemebitch February 4, 2016
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Man with a HUGH penis. Won't fit in a Vagina. Means he is crazy.
Boy, that nathan wards huge!
by Graceful68 January 15, 2012
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School filled with snotty white children who juul in the bathroom and call daddy when it's taken away, you'll usually find them standing directly in the middle of the hallway acting as a blockade or walking back to their lineup of jeep wranglers
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood morning Ward Melville
by G.son November 6, 2018
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A rather large person with an overly big stomach. Or more commonly known as a pregnant man. He often raises his voice for no good reason.
Wow look at the gut on that guy he’s got to be Mr ward
by thw wild heempa May 9, 2016
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ghetto neighborhood in houston texas. East of the Astro dome. Home to big more.

Back in the ole days houston was broken into to wards. First through fifth.
"I stay in third ward"
by big sho June 26, 2006
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the hardest ghetto in Houston and one of the most notorious ghettos in America
Hoodie #1: Lets go to 5th Ward.
Hoodie #2: Hell naw, I would rather go to Compton than 5th Ward.
by *Wonderboy Marvel* July 29, 2003
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A supernatural entity in which can never be found, but is always searched for. His bald head glints several beams of hypersonic red light, and directs the searcher to his location. When the searcher realises that Gavin Ward is not there, that is when he strikes. He can also be defined as a carnivorous creature that feeds primarily off of the french blood of others.
"Heard of the Gavin Ward sightings poppin up recently?"

"Yeah mate, heard he targets the french."

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