She’s definitely seen brighter days...looks like Tammy has a severe case of Twack Twat.
by Riot Craig January 23, 2018
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anyplace overrun with tweakers usually full of crap and garbage that is weirdly organized and or alphabetized.
I got so spun I ended up staying in that twack shack and plucking my leg hairs for nine hours.
by Scarlettknowsall January 21, 2020
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Being twacked out is when you're on tweak and you're freaking out. Tweak is also known as ice, glass, crank, or most commonly, crystal methamphetamine.
Person A: "Dude, chill out!"
Person B: "Man, I'm totally twacked out." (Sitting there, picking at his skin/looking out the blinds/rocking back and forth)
by Fool June 18, 2006
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To viciously assault and beat someone with a rubber dildo
Adam was given a good dilly twacking for his cheek
by greek socrates September 8, 2013
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A person who will annoyingly gasconade about the genius behind the concept of the chaotic disarray they caused while being told repeatedly to put down the pipe and take a break.
Brimming with confidence from the tweak, Kristen was seemingly proud when her boss screamed "they're all dead you delusional TWACK STAR wtf is wrong with you don't light that on fire"
by ÇůntFåwłėy February 18, 2019
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1) To ask someone in a nonchalant manner if they have some shit(meth) for sale.(verb)(twack-a-lacking)
2) To ask someone if they have tweaked on something.(verb)(twack-a-lacked)
3) Refering to the state of mind after consuming a substantial amount of high quality METH.(adj)(twack-a-lackin')

1)"Oy ya fuckin tweaka are you twack-a-lackin'?"

2)"What in the hell have you twack-a-lacked on now?"

3)"Damn daw' ya pupils are fuckin huge! Are you twack-a-lackin?"
by P.T Kt Bec October 15, 2006
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