1) An instrument used to perform a certain task or action with ease.

2) A person who doesn't know (or does but willfully accepts) he/she is being used. Also refers to someone who can be seen as a pawn for society.

3) An American progressive rock band from California.
1) Hammers are useful tools; they can force nails in better and more efficiently than bare hands.

2) That person is such a tool; he just wants to be blindly led by his idols without thinking about himself.

3) Tool is from Los Angeles, California; they have released six albums to date.
by dhahks May 16, 2009
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1) Basically an assclown who does not have the mental capacity to form their own opinion. 2) Characterized by low intelligence and/or self-steem. 3) The biggest bagadouche you have ever encountered including those with "little man syndrome"
by Insolent1969 March 28, 2012
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One of three things:
a. Device used to apply mechanical work.
b. The Band.
c. Someone that is used for another's gain.
d. A penis.
e. Loot spelled backwards.
Bob: Man, that guy is such a tool.
Jim: Yeah, which reminds me, I screwed your wife.
by TheCaffeineJunky December 12, 2006
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someone who is a complete idiot/ one who is used by other people, and usually dosen't even realize it/ someone who can't think for themselves/ an asshat.
People who wear huge logos on their shirts are tools.
People who listen to Avril Lavigne, are tools.
People who think Sum 41 is a punk band, are all tools.
by Anonymous April 11, 2003
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1) Somebody who is inept, stupid, or useless (adj.)

2) The greatest band on earth; composed of Maynard James Keenan, Adam Jones, Justin Chancellor, and Danny Carey. They were formed in Los Angeles in 1990.
1. Person One: Some guy put something funny in my drink, and when I woke up this morning, my anus was all bloody and squishy!

Person Two: You sir, are a fucking tool.

2. I'm going to a Tool concert today. Maynard is the awesomeness.
by Maltese October 17, 2006
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Someone who isnt liked and has no friends and trys to spit game and trys to be cool
by formeldahyde August 9, 2009
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An egotistic, self obsorbed, individual that feeds off of his friend's misery to make himself feel better. Basically a douche bag. (June 10 2009) 2:11 am
This fag Tools next to me thanks hes God's gift to women
by Metro Josh June 11, 2009
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