to throw up into a toilet over and over again; usually from either a drunken night out or some bad clams.
boy: hey, have you seen brian?
friend: last i saw him he had to go worship the throne.
by rachelk44 January 3, 2008
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Fuck this cheap shitty ass porn. i'll will just watch the Game of Thrones
by Toppet May 26, 2016
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To do a Game Of Thrones: To start of an action or activity in a brilliant manner, only to end up ruining it or failing to achieve the desired goal towards the end.
Example: Guy 1: John was running 200 metres today and everything went great till the final stretch. He tripped and came out last
Guy 2: Oh yeah I heard he did a Game Of Thrones.

Example 2: Liverpool did a Game Of Thrones in the League again
by KaosTheLyricist May 17, 2019
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An awesome book written by George R.R. Martin, can be used in everyday vernacular as reffering to taking some kind of a risk.
Jon: come on Lee, you gotta come out with Kevin for his 21st birthday.
Lee: i don't know man i got a test tomorrow.
Kevin: come on Lee we will be back by 2:00am
Lee: yo this is such A Game of Thrones.
by Kevin Bell August 4, 2006
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the act of taking a shit while placing a blanket over ones head, body, and toilet; while inhaling the potent fumes. (an upgrade from a dutch oven)
Garrett sat upon his toilet and draped a blanket over his head, thus creating a dutch throne.
by El_Girraffe April 2, 2011
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(n) To make a cellphone call from a bathroom or toilet stall, usually to save time.
"I was rushed at work, so I made a quick throne call to Jeff while I was doing my business."
by jc2 May 13, 2008
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A position in sex, normally seen in porn involving a gangbang, where a female inserts a man's penis in her anus while he is in a seated or lying position. Most times, the female's back is facing the male. Meanwhile, another male stands or kneels infront of the female and inserts his penis in her vagina. Several males may switchout having intercourse with the female's vagina, all the while the male beneath the female has his member in her anus. Moreover, the female has access to the penises of the other males where she may pleasure them with her mouth, breasts, and hands.
Dayum! Did u see the hot ass blonde in "Gangbang Bitch #22?" The whole crew ran on her at the same time. They got her on the Whore's Throne and beat her holes up big time!
by jacksoverqueens January 10, 2009
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