boom tho
adv. 1: An occurance of an uncommonly good thing.
2. An exclaimation or show of excitement.
boom got them tho!
verb. 1a: The self completion of an uncommonly good thing.
1b: The successful act of mating.
boom got them dos!
verb. 1: The exact double of boom got them tho!
2: The completion of a difficult shot attempt on the basketball court.
Speaker 1: I just won the lotto
Speaker 2: Boom tho!
by MD15 March 1, 2008
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Placed at the end of an advice message, it is the ultimate way of saying, "Just because I said this, it means you can't ruin your life".
A: Dude I need help getting a girl
B: You could always try buying her flowers n shit, idk tho
A: Thanks dude
by OctagonDinosaur August 14, 2015
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An abbreviation of "Why, though?" mainly used as a joke or pointless comment in online discussions.

The phrase picked up a large following in popular random-topic communities on
user1: "Help me choose my MySpace default!"
user2: "y tho"
user1: "omg guys my fob shirt came today"
user2: "y tho"
by licia February 20, 2007
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"No Homo Tho" is a term frequently used within a group of straight males to assert their heterosexual identity whenever any one of them has made a statement entailing his homosexuality. An important quality of this declaration is that it has the effect of negating/overriding any previous statement made, no matter how incriminating. Sometimes abbreviated: N.H.T
Dhruv: Wanna bang at my place later tonight?

Rohit: Sure! Let's do it.
Aditya: You guys forgot to say "No homo tho"!
Dhruv & Rohit: Oh yeah! Just to make it mutually clear! No Homo Tho!
by adistar1 October 22, 2018
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"Y tho" is a term used regularly nowadays. Stemming off of the phrase "why, though" it has been recently used to show confusion in a trolling type of manner. If, say, someone does/says something unintelligent, it is appropriate to reply with "y tho". For people not to confuse "y tho" with "why, though", squint your eyes while protruding your neck and calmly, in a small voice say "y tho?".
(Also there is a meme associating with this phrase.)
Person 1: Honestly, y'all are just vapid, y'all should leave.
Person 2: y tho?
by Kim Taehyung's bear June 6, 2018
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Y tho is an other way of saying Why though. People use it mostly when they are texting
Bob: I am going to George’s house
Charlie:y tho
by Rhubarb pie November 15, 2019
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when you say some gay shit, but you not gay
joe: bruh I see you with that drop top tho.
harry: you want me to drop top?
joe: WHAT?!?!?! bruh you on that gay shit!!
harry: i said no homo tho.
joe: Aight i thought you was on that gay shit.
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