Has a dick so big two girls can get rammed by it, can last longer than anybody else. Theo is so hot that everyone lines up to get fucked by his enormous dick and is smarter than Albert Einstein.
Bitch:OMG that’s Theo he’s soooooo hot I hear he had two girls on his dick yesterday
by Gang bones69 June 24, 2018
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That gayest lonely depressed patato. Also he fucking emo as shiiiiiiiiiit. His favorite phrase is probably "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!"
Girl 1-"Who's that emo bish over there?"
Girl 2-"Oh... That's Theo, or gay boi"
Girl 1-"I know hiiiiiiiiiiiim! Nvm my question from before."
by TheGayShit1125 May 4, 2018
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That small kid that thinks he’s big but is just a little shit
Theo: what u want bro
Others: (under their breath) tiny little shit
by Bob the tennis guy December 13, 2018
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A highly aggressive natured boy. Extremely cocky and under the impression he’s good at basketball. Adopted by a brown family and struggles to maintain employment. Major trust issues.
*random woman*
Theo: “do you trust me ?🔪”
by Toby allen July 19, 2019
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Theo is an 10 yr old minded person who has a huge forehead that you can't miss if you walked past him on a busy street. However due all his size going to his huge baphead he has the smallest penis possible but this does not affect his cocky and confident personality. He will steal your girl/boy so watch out.
by Jamieismyname December 16, 2018
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