: the act of napping instead of coming to a party. Especially if your name is Norain.
Norain got #tucked and missed Aretha.
by discokween March 4, 2018
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A chill dude who's good at skating. Tuck is a guy who can make you laugh easy and is great to his girlfriend, Tuck is a keeper, don't let Tuck go.
"Look it's tuck!"

"How do you know he's a tuck?"

"Dude look how good he is at skating, and he's super nice to his girlfriend."
by Gang.Gang December 23, 2016
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having tucks means being able to roll a joint, blunt, spliff etc nicely
"Sophie has such dank tucks bro, her spliffs are prime."
by David Piff January 22, 2019
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1. To hide yo' drugs in a 'stash spot'.
2. The 'stash spot' itself.
3. Variation is 'Tuck Cosey'.
1. "Why don't yo' tuck your stash inside this couch cushion."
2. "Check out that tuck! That'd be perfect for stashing my pound."
3. "That's a sick 'tuck cosey' for yo' cash money! Hidden inside a book with the pages cut out."
by Diego September 4, 2003
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Hot; Easily Crushable

One of the sweetest guys You'll ever meet.

Athletic and proud
Wow, i meet Tucke and instantly feel in love.

Tucke is so athletic, he plays all kinds of sports
by Lvr01 May 5, 2011
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