loser,nobody,the bottom of the scum barrel.
he's a real fidel castro motherfucker!
by dslman22 November 4, 2003
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World’s longest ruling dictator. Transformed Cuba in a prison where people risk their lifes to escape.
If Fidel Castro's government is so good like the Left says, why cubans are not allowed to vote for president or to leave the country?
by fuckTheUN August 22, 2003
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To perform oral sex on a woman with a Castro like beard to tikle her inner tighs and her ass(you must grow one or buy one, borrowing is not a good idea.). When the woman is reaching climax then insert a cuban cigar between the beard and into her ass("sneaky"). If you don't have a cigar handy use you finger(extra sneaky).
The last time I gave her a Sneaky Castro, I had to be hosed down.
by Urljam December 17, 2006
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To perform a juan castro, a male hadcuffs a woman to a bed, has angry sex with her, and then leaves her there. After a few days, while she has urinated and defacated on herself and is hungry, you have angry sex with her again.
1.Damn, that bitch looks like she's been juan castro'd

2. Shut up bitch, or I'll give you a Juan Castro!
by Eric_2.1 November 6, 2008
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Revolutionary leader and liberator of Cuba from Batista. After a failed military coup he was arrested, made his (in)famous speech ending with the words; "history will absolve me"
sentenced for 26 years but released after 2; went on to start second revolution and liberate the people.
Fidel Castro? doesn't he have an engine-oil named after him?
by Dom January 24, 2005
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Cuba was once ruled by a military ruler, until Fidel Castro came into power after a revolution. Fidel Castro quickly tried to secure trade ties with the United States, but as he was sympathetic to communists the United States was afraid he was one himself. Having no trade ties with the United States, he turned to the Soviet Union.

He is a great speaker and charismatic leader who gained power legitimately. It is contested whether he has maintained power legitamently.

He made health care available to all people and schooling free. However, after the fall of the Soviet Union Cuba's middle class has been losing support for Fidel Castro. The dissenters of the middle class and those trying to escape the poverty forced by the embargo make up those trying to flee Cuba. Support within the lower class is still strong.

Economically Cuba is a much more equal place to live.However, social freedoms are not as good. There are many of what Amnesty International calls "Prisoners of Conscience." It is illegal to speak against Fidel Castro, even peacefully. Many things such as this are problems in Cuba.

The embargo is a huge blow to Cuba economically, which has repetedly been voted against by the vast majority of the United Nations. The embargo also serves to cover up the social injustices of Cuba as there is less trade coming in and out of Cuba. If the Embargo were ended, Cuba would be a better place to live economically and socially.

The United States had repetedly tried to murder Fidel Castro and even tried to launch an invasion. This invasion became known as the Bay of Pigs. It was unsuccessful as Fidel Castro quickly squelched what support there was and the rest Cuba's population resisted strongly.

Fidel Castro is one of the most successful socialist revolutionary leaders. He transformed Cuba into a much more economically equal place than places like America, but he has been a harsh leader as well. His age is getting up there though and he can't live too much longer. Upon his death, his brother, Raul Castro, will mostly like gain power.
People act like Fidel Castro has made Cuba a crappy place. Cuba has it's problems, but so does the United States. They just aren't the same problems.

I greatly admire Fidel Castro as a socialist leader, even if I don't agree with everything he did in the name of Communism.
by Dr. Batido June 18, 2006
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It's the dirty sanchez taken to the next level. In this case your adding, along with the fecal moustache, a beard.
She wanted to spice things up and the Dirty Castro seemed like the right thing to do.
by Rob 'Limphog' B. September 4, 2006
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