1. When something is so funny you don't know how to describe it.
2. When someone says something random, but extremely funny.
Kid #1: I fell down a hole the other day.
Kid #2: RAWFUL! That is so funny!
by Ziggy March 25, 2005
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Uncut Heroin, or Heroin in a non Scramble form. A Dark or Light Brown rock form that can be smoked, cooked or crushed.
by AnthMv March 26, 2005
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Flagship program of the WWE that airs Monday nights on SpikeTV. Announced by Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler.
I just saw HHH assraping that gorilla Mark Henry on RAW!
by Solomon November 12, 2003
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when talking about people, awesome/amazing
you are raw if you are awesome
by dudewtfrawisreal November 2, 2009
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Rawful, Derieved from the internet team "ROFL" is the act of rolling on the floor while laughing.
I saw that kid shit and pants in public and rawfulled.
by king mittenz April 17, 2009
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1. hardcore, wrong, disgusting, rough, gross, TMI

2. out of order, hypocritical, a comment/joke taken too far

3. done well without practise, talented

1. A: "I threw up all over her!"
B: "Eww, that's raw!"

2. A: "I can't believe you got off with her! She's so butters."
B: "That's a bit raw of you after last night... you pulled bare waste gash."

3. A: "Watch this! (shouts at passer by) Allow you!"
B: "Haha! Raw ownage!"
by kiwithie November 12, 2008
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Raw is an adjective that describes a white person who is basically pink.
“That white guy looks so raw, like an uncooked chicken!”
by yazzy.444 December 15, 2021
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